Countries that require a Pre-approved Mexico Visitor Visa
If you are a national of the following countries or regions wishing to visit Mexico. First, you must apply for a visitor visa at the nearest Mexican Consulate or Embassy where you reside. In fact, the visa is usually granted for leisure, business, or any unpaid activity and is valid for 180 days. Because Mexico Visitor Visa requirements vary from consulate to consulate, for this reason, we suggest you log in to the consulate website closer to your residence to find the precise requirements. For example, you can visit the World Wide Mexican Embassies and Consulates directory. Click Here.
Mexico Visa Verification at the Mexico Airport
Once you arrive at a Mexican Airport, the INM National Institute of Immigration Agents will verify your Visa, scan your passport and give you an entry stamp indicating the time allowed to stay in the country. Then, the INM agent will initial the letter (T) by hand, which stands for tourist, or (N) for negocios which stands for business. Unfortunately, in some cases, INM immigration agents only give an entry stamp and omit to write down the days allowed to stay in the country. For instance, printing the Digital FMM form will show how many days you were granted to stay in Mexico.
Tourist Digital FMM Form
In addition to your Visa, you will need a TOURIST DIGITAL FMM FORM. So, the INM Immigration Agent at the airport will create it online, which you can download afterward by logging in to this website. For this reason, you must create an account and have sixty days to download it. In any event, I suggest doing it as soon as possible because, in some airports, the INM agent requests you to download it and show it on your way out of Mexico.
Countries and regions that require Mexico Visitor Visa and FMM Digital Form
Afganistán, Albania, Angola, Antigua y Barbuda, Arabia Saudita, Argelia, Armenia, Azerbaiyán
Bahrein, Bangladesh, Belarús, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bután
Cabo Verde, Camboya, Camerún, Chad, China, Comoras, Congo, Corea del Norte, Costa de Marfil, Cuba
Djibuti, Dominica
Ecuador, Egipto, El Salvador, Eritrea, Etiopía, Eswatini
Fiji, Filipinas
Gabón, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea Ecuatorial, Guyana
Haití, Honduras
India, Indonesia, Irak (Republica Islamica de Iran), Iraq, Islas Salomon
Kazajistán, Kenia, Kirguistán, Kiribati, Kuwait
Lao (Republica Popular Lao), Lesotho, Líbano, Liberia, Libia,
Madagascar, Malawi, Maldivas, Mali, Marruecos, Mauricio, Mauritania, Moldova,Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Myanmar
Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria
Pakistán, Palestina, Papúa Nueva Guinea
República Centroafricana, Republica Democratica Del Congo, Republica Dominicana, Rusia, Ruanda, Republica De Macedona Del Norte
San Cristobal y Nieves, Samoa, San Vicente y Las Granadinas, Santa lucía, Santo Sede, Santo Tome y Príncipe, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leona, Siria, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Sudan Del Sur, Surinam
Tailandia, Taiwán, Tanzania, Tayikistán,
Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Túnez, Turkmenistán, Turquía, Tuvalu
Ucrania, Uganda, Uzbekistán
Vanuatu, Vietnam, Venezuela,
Zambia, Zimbawe
The foreigner who presents any of the following documents will not require a Mexican visa, only Tourist Digital FMM:
a) Document proving permanent residence in Canada, the United States of America, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland, any of the countries that make up the Schengen Area, as well as in the member countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, and Peru).
b) Valid and current Visa from Canada, the United States of America, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, or any countries that make up the Schengen Area.
c) Card APEC Business Traveler (ABTC) adopted by Mexico.
d) Certificate that accredits him as a member of the aircraft crew in which he arrives.
e) Sea notebook, if you are a vessel crew member that arrives at a Mexican port on an international voyage. Suppose the crew member comes by air to join a ship anchored in a national port. In that case, he must present, in addition to the sea notebook, a document proving his enrollment, the data of the vessel, and the Mexican port in which it is located.
Visited Mexico before December 31, 2022. You might qualify for four-year Mexico Residency through the Regularization program. No Income nor Mexican Consulate Visit is required! Half-day process. CLICK here for more INFO
If you are interested in Residing in Mexico for more than 180 days, click here.